This Thursday 15 September at Clifton Library, County Galway, Robyn Rowland shall launch Skylight 47 latest issue of their magazine. And delightfully, one of my poems, featuring donkeys and wrens, is in the magazine.
About Skylight 47, (taken from the festival website) : "The first issue of Skylight 47 was published in January 2013 to celebrate ten years of Galway’s Over The Edge poetry readings in the City Library. It was only supposed to be a single issue, but founding editors Kevin O’Shea, Susan Lindsay and Nicki Griffin were so taken with what they had produced, they decided to carry on.
Their editors have changed: Bernie Crawford, Nicki Griffin, Marie Cadden and Ruth Quinlan are now at the helm of the publication. They are still associated with Over The Edge, which provides them with tremendous support.
Their newspaper format allows us room to spread our wings, and gives the work of our contributors space to breath. "