My Hare poem is a part of Reflections on the Castlemaine Art Museum Collection 23 June 2022—26 February 2023

Reflections on the Castlemaine Art Museum Collection, this is held at Castlemaine Art Museum, Littleton Street Castlemaine

‘In this response to a large oil painting in the collection, poet Allis Hamilton recalls her poem Hare, as having ‘writing itself onto my page’ after viewing Philip Wolfhagen’s Southern Vista I. As Allis describes, "there is no visible hare in Wolfhagen’s painting yet to me it felt like it was there, or could quite easily be there, in among the shadowy hedges of the landscape."‘

The works in this exhibition have featured in a series of articles published on the CAM website. Reflections began as part of CAM’s online response to the COVID-19 lockdown. Contributors are asked to ‘reflect’ on works or objects from the CAM collections and history. Reflections also included published interviews with local artists and education resources for young people.

Reflections has been an experiment in opening up CAM's art and museum collections to new voices and knowledge. This series and exhibition represent a commitment from the Castlemaine Art Museum to make our magnificent collection accessible, relevant and uplifting. We encourage and invite our community to continue these reflections and conversations and have included a number of works which have not yet attracted a ‘reflection’. The exhibition also includes a selection of objects in the historical museum downstairs.

Link to the Castlemaine Art Museum here

And you can read my Hare poem here